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[DOWNLOAD] ~ Integrating Technical and Social Energy Studies: Prospects for Change in the Canadian Residential Sector. # by Environments ~ Book PDF Kindle ePub Free

Integrating Technical and Social Energy Studies: Prospects for Change in the Canadian Residential Sector.

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eBook details

  • Title: Integrating Technical and Social Energy Studies: Prospects for Change in the Canadian Residential Sector.
  • Author : Environments
  • Release Date : January 01, 2001
  • Genre: Art & Architecture,Books,Arts & Entertainment,
  • Pages : * pages
  • Size : 185 KB


AbstractparThe present pattern of energy production and consumption in the industrialized world is increasingly acknowledged as unsustainable. In Canada, the residential sector is a significant contributor to national energy use. Canadian homes account for approximately one-fifth of the nation's total end-use energy demand and one-sixth of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and are consistently identified as a source where significant savings potential exists. The challenge to conserve energy and reduce GHG emissions from the residential sector requires strategies to convert national climate change policy objectives into actions at the local level. The growing salience of international climate change and air quality issues has stimulated a resurgence in energy sustainability research. With the different social context of contemporary energy issues, new studies are needed to extend the insights from earlier work following the oil crises of the 1970s. This paper outlines the two conventional approaches to residential energy research (technical and social) and the case for the integrated socio-technical research approach adopted by the Residential Energy Efficiency Project (REEP) in Waterloo Region (Ontario). The paper summarises the interrelated research dimensions (social marketing of energy efficiency, technical energy efficiency of the existing housing stock, `socially negotiated' energy efficiency potential, established energy conservation norms, social acceptability of various energy efficiency technologies and policies, green electricity market potential, and other sustainable energy options) that comprise this community level case study and are presented in this theme issue of Environments. Dans le monde industrialise, le mode actuel de production et de consommation d'energie est de plus en plus considere comme etant non durable. Au Canada, le secteur residentiel est un gros consommateur d'energie. Les foyers canadiens consomment environ un cinquieme de l'energie totale utilisee au pays et produisent un sixieme des gaz a effet de serre : on estime que d'importantes economies pourraient etre faites dans ce secteur. La conservation de l'energie et la diminution des gaz a effet de serre dans les residences exigent la conversion des mesures nationales sur les changements climatiques en actions concretes au niveau local. L'importance accrue des questions entourant les changements climatiques et la qualite de l'air au plan mondial ont suscite un regain dans les recherches sur la durabilite des energies. Dans un contexte social different, il est necessaire d'effectuer de nouvelles etudes pour etendre les connaissances acquises depuis les travaux qui ont suivi les crises du petrole des annees 70. Cet article traite des deux approches conventionnelles(technique et sociale) de la recherche sur l'utilisation de l'energie dans le secteur residentiel et presente l'approche socio-technique integree du Residential Energy Efficiency Project de la region de Waterloo (Ontario). L'article resume les aspects interrelies de cette etude de cas faire au niveau d'une collectivite et qui est presentee dans ce numero special de Environments : publicite faite au niveau communautaire, efficacite sur le plan technique des maisons existantes, potentiel d'efficacite energetique sur le plan social, normes etablies de conservation d'energie, acceptation par les citoyens de differentes technologies et mesures sur l'efficacite energetique, marche potentiel de l'electricite verte, etc.

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